How to add posts

  1. All of your blog posts are made in the Posts section of your WordPress admin. Click on Posts to open the section.
  2. At the top of the posts page, click on Add New to make a new post. Create a title and insert your post content in the editing field
  3. On the right-hand side document tab of the post page is the Categories box. To make a new Category, click + Add New Category and give it a name. You can have as many as you want. To apply a Category to a post, simply check the box next to the Category name.
  4. You can also apply Tags to a post. The Tag box is below the Category box. Simply insert your tags, separate multiple tags with commas
  5. To set a Featured Image. Click the Featured Image box and select an image from the media window and click Use As Featured Image
  6. You can also change the permalink from permalink fields
  7. Once you have everything you want to be selected, click Publish and your post will show up on your blog page


Post meta box menu – Post meta box work on blog single post only. It basically includes extra customization for post single posts

  1. Header: You can disable post header from here.
  2. Sidebars: if you want to control sidebar on the specific post then you can manage it from here. here we include sidebar left, right and full width.
  3. Content Area: At the content area, we included a control for single post spacing top and bottom. you can reduce and increase spacing on this area
  4. Footer: At footer block, you can enable and disable footer at single post page area

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